Everything is magic until the actual process is discovered

We live in a world with people possessing different perspectives in understanding the things.

We brought in different cultures and religions where God is worshiped in human form or natural elements or energy. And commonly we have different rituals to worship for fulfilling our wishes. As science is advancing from last 100 years, we are in a place to question some of the rituals and worship practices by verifying with scientific proofs. We able to mark some of them as superstitions.

When I was a child, I very wondered of lightening and thunders during storms. I asked my grand father what is it and its cause. He answered by saying those are sounds made by God’s chariots during war.

Since he has no knowledge about causing of rains and its process, he believed it as Gods doing and magic. Even people before aware of actual reason of causing the rains was discovered everyone might have thought it was magic or some sort of God doing.

Even science is a design. Have your ever questioned why should this process happened to be this way, why can’t it happened to be other way. It our architecture and we named it as our science. We are discovering things that are part of our design. People laughed while some men presented idea of flying, after the discovery of buoyancy force it was made possible. Likewise there may be many more things to be discovered.

My uncle was suffering from kidney failure few months back all hope is lost even doctors confirmed he would be dead in two days. My dad believe a lot in rituals and God, he made my uncle’s children do some ritual. For a surprise he got alright and started getting better. That incident made me to think a lot on this subject.

May be some rituals are some advanced process were discovered by our ancestors long back which has proper explanation. But unable to explain people about process behind it and made them to do it in the name of God.

Everything is magic until the actual process is discovered

But we will be discovering things which were discovered long time back. If we have that knowledge by now, we could have done more advancements rather than re discovery.

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